How to Make Your Stream Deck Pretty
The Problem The Stream Deck is a powerful tool and with a little TLC you can have an awesome look to go with it. For a lot of needs, the Stream Deck Key Creator tool is plenty. If all you need is a single icon or even a single page of icons, the Key Creator might be enough to satisfy your needs. The Key Creator tool falls short for me in two specific ways:
How I Set Up a New Mac
Setting up a new Mac from scratch can be a pain in the butt. There are a ton of apps to install and settings to change. This post will serve as a living document for how I like to set up my Mac. This is as much for the benefit of you, the reader, as it is for me. I like having stuff like this documented. So let’s get started:
My Stream Deck + Keyboard Maestro Setup Is Different
Keyboard Maestro 9 added official support for the Elgato Stream Deck. The official plugin (documented here) is very powerful and allows for two-way communication between Keyboard Maestro and the Stream Deck. That said, it’s also relatively rigid and complicated. Rather than map a trigger to a button, you map a button to a trigger. This has a couple of downsides:
If you want to reorganize your Stream Deck layout, you’ll have to go to every macro that you’ve assigned to a button and edit its USB Device trigger in Keyboard Maestro.